Ouyang Jianghe
Ouyang Jianghe was born in 1956 in Beijing. Jianghe is the author of several collections of poetry, including Through the Glass of Words (1997), Who is Gone, and Who Remains (1997), Tears of Things (2008), as well as a book of reviews and essays, Standing on the Side of Fiction (2000). He is the president of the literary magazine Jintian and currently lives in Beijing.
Austin Woerner, a native of Boston, studied Chinese at Yale and Tsinghua and since graduating in 2008 has dedicated himself to translating contemporary Chinese poetry and fiction into English. His translations of the poems of Ouyang Jianghe have appeared in Poetry, Kenyon Review Online, Zoland Poetry, and Peregrine, and are forthcoming in anthology form from Zephyr Press. He lives in Brooklyn, and is currently pursuing an MFA in creative writing at the New School.
Courtesy of the author.
Ouyang Jianghe is featured in Edition: Out Of This World