Pieter Van Kouwenhoorn

Pieter van Kouwenhoorn was a Dutch botanical illustrator. He was born in Haarlen, the Netherlands in 1599 and worked there as well as Leiden. His book Collection of Flowers Drawn from Nature (Verzameling van Bloemen naar de Natuur geteekend door) dates to the 1620s-1630s and features illustrations of 46 flowers with their names given in Latin, German, and French. He passed away in Leiden in 1654.


Pieter van Kouwenhoorn is featured in Edition: Paradise Found

Aquilegia flo: Ianthino (1620s-30s)
Corona imperialis (1620s-30s)
Crocus luteus, Crocus columbinus, Crocus caeruleus, Crocus albus, Crocus luteus (1620s-30s)
Tulipa cultivars (c.1630)
Hyacinthus flore caerulea (1620s-30s)
Paeonia, Piuoine (1620s-30s)
Anemone coronaria cultivars (1620s-30s)
Hyacinthus flo Caeruleo (1620s-30s)
Leucoion bulbosum (1620s-30s)
Lilium flo: albo (c.1630)
Fritil:flo: Albo, Fritil:flo: Purpureo (1620s-30s)
Tulipa 'Semper Augustus' (1620s-30s)